JARC has and will continue to evaluate our organization and its programs, policies and partnerships, through the lens of social inclusion – including racial equity, gender equity and LGBTQ equity – and optimize their effectiveness in serving job seekers with barriers in underserved households and communities.

JARC will use this same lens and apply it internally to ensure racial equity is incorporated within the thread of our organizational culture. Ensuring that our organizational makeup is reflective of the communities in which we serve, not only advocating for our clients but also our staff.
Action Steps / Strategies
JARC will continue to move away from “universalist” policies and strategies to ones that understand the particular needs of – and prioritize – disadvantaged populations. JARC will work programmatically and internally to identify structural barriers facing our clients and our staff and build solutions to address these barriers.
- JARC will evaluate its programs, policies and services through the Racial Equity lens.
- JARC will evaluate its community and workforce partnerships – and decisions to partner – through the equity lens.
- JARC will prioritize and expand Industry Employer Partnerships with firms that share our Racial Equity goals and values.
”"As a society, an organization, and individual stakeholders we believe we cannot achieve equity and opportunity without racial equity and justice."
Regan Brewer JohnsonJARC's President

”We stand in solidarity with Black communities. We will work to lift up the voices of those who have long been silenced. And, we will work to fight racial injustices and inequities because we know #BlackLivesMatter.
Regan Brewer JohnsonJARC's President

- JARC will deepen its understanding of Structural Systems of Oppression and Inequality by examining structural cause and effect at an agency level and take into account any policy implications.
- JARC will set and endeavor to meet diversity goals internally and externally, to build the cultural competencies needed to have a greater equity impact in its communities and throughout our organization.
- JARC will assemble a group dedicated to furthering the organizations efforts around Racial Equity and creating measures of success, as well as holding the organization accountable to these measures.
- JARC will continue the conversation on racial equity to expand our knowledge and understanding, and to learn about ways to further take action, by keeping our staff informed on a group or cause that works in the racial equity space, as well as provide ongoing DEI training to our staff, clients and partner organizations.
JARC will know we have truly succeeded at our racial equity goals when:
1. Our organization truly reflects and understands the diversity and cultures of those we serve.
2. When our program outcomes are reflective of the goals set.
3. When the conversation around racial equity and inclusion is ingrained into everything that we do as an organization and is no longer taboo.
Our community: We pride ourselves in working with like-minded organizations. Below you will find links to partner organizations and funders who stand in solidarity with JARC and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
We have also solicited our employer partners to join us in this call to action, believing that:
– Social justice should be an initiative of all and not just an internal cause
– DEI and Racial Equity trainings are important for our employer partners to embrace
– Doing our part against these injustices includes educating the organizations in which we partner with.
In order to continue our efforts and ensure that once our clients are entering workplaces that not only values racial equity and inclusion, but have tools and policies in place to implement throughout their workforce.
– Annie E. Casey Foundation : George Floyd’s death, nationwide protests and the work ahead
– Marriam Asefa Fund: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion – World Education Services (wes.org)
– Union Pacific: DEI-journey-never-ending
– United Way: United-way-worldwide-statement-on-equity-and-justice
– US Bank: US Bank Investing in and supporting the community
– The Weinberg foundation: weinbergfoundation.org-foundation-statements
– Fry Foundation: Response-pandemic-and-racial-inequity
Philanthropic Initiatives
– Wells Fargo: Announced a $60 billion lending commitment to create at least 250,000 African American homeowners by 2027, directly addressing the lower homeownership rates in the African American community. $60 Billion Lending commitment
– US Bank: Access Commitment will focus on three primary areas: supporting businesses owned by people of color, helping individuals and communities of color advance economically and enhancing career opportunities for employees and prospective employees. Access-commitment
– City of Chicago: Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and the Mayor’s Office of Equity and Racial Justice today launched a new citywide initiative – “Together We Heal” – a campaign aimed at building racial healing across Chicago. The goals of the initiative are to empower all Chicagoans to engage in activities fostering connection, restoration and learning at this time of racial reckoning for both the city and the nation. Alongside six anchor partners, Together We Heal announced a community challenge to activate residents from every neighborhood in Chicago to participate in candid conversations, healing circles, and other activities. TogetherWeHeal
– Capital one: Capital One is announcing an initial pledge of $10 million to organizations advancing the cause of social justice for Black communities. This pledge builds on our recent commitment of $50 million to support long-standing non-profit partners struggling to pursue their core missions in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, including many organizations dedicated to meeting the most pressing needs of the Black community. Justice-black-communities
What can you do to help?
Be an advocate in the sense of understanding by educating yourself further on this matter. With continued education comes intentional conversations and solutions and outcomes.
– The Atlantic’s 163 Years of Writing on Race
– America’s Overdue Reckoning with Racial Disparity
– America’s Long Overdue Awakening to Systemic Racism
– Anti-Racism Resources to Protect Black Lives
– The Rise and Fall of Racial Capitalism
– Support Black-Owned Businesses: 450+ Places to Start Online
– Making Amends: How Funders Can Address Slavery’s Legacy
– Race – The Power of an Illusion
– 13TH
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